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Diocese Of Boise

Welcome to CMG Connect

The Diocese of Boise

This new system will help walk you through training requirements for your organization.

If you have done training in the past and set up an account, you will use that same username and password.  Please click the ‘Sign In’ tab in the top right corner of this screen. 

If you are new to training, please set up an account.  You will be asked to complete all required boxes.

Please complete all required fields.  Your information is confidential and will not be used for any marketing. 

If you would like to get updates when training requirements are available, please include your email.

Please select the parish or school you are primarily associated with.  If you volunteer or work at multiple locations your Diocese Administrator and Site Coordinator will be able to verify your requirements.

Next select your role within your parish or school.

Finally select the participation role that most accurately describes what you will be doing in the parish or school.  

Cuentas Existentes

¿Tienes una cuenta? Si es así, no es necesario que se inscriba para obtener una Cuenta nueva. Haga clic en el botón "Iniciar sesión" en la esquina superior derecha de esta ventana. De lo contrario, regístrese para obtener una Cuenta nueva cuenta a continuación.

Regístrese para obtener una Cuenta Nueva

Escriba su nombre, segundo nombre y apellido tal como aparecen en su licencia de conducir o identificación oficial. No utilice prefijos, como, Rev., Fr., Sr., Jr. y Dcn.

Por favor mafque todo los que correspondan. *